Docker Compose Order of Operations: Unraveling the Magic of Executing Scripts as Part of the Container Build on Mounted Files
Image by Malynda -

Docker Compose Order of Operations: Unraveling the Magic of Executing Scripts as Part of the Container Build on Mounted Files

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Are you tired of wrestling with Docker Compose, trying to figure out the mysterious order of operations that governs the execution of scripts during container build? Do you dream of effortlessly mounting files and executing scripts as if by magic? Well, buckle up, friend, because we’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure to demystify the Docker Compose order of operations and uncover the secrets of executing scripts as part of the container build on mounted files!

Understanding the Docker Compose Order of Operations

Before we dive into the heart of the matter, it’s essential to grasp the fundamental principles of Docker Compose’s order of operations. Docker Compose is a tool that enables you to define and run multi-container Docker applications. It does this by parsing the `docker-compose.yml` file, which contains the service definitions, and executing them in a specific order.

The Docker Compose order of operations can be broken down into three primary stages:

  • Build: In this stage, Docker Compose builds the Docker images for each service defined in the `docker-compose.yml` file.
  • Create: Once the images are built, Docker Compose creates containers from those images.
  • Start: Finally, Docker Compose starts the containers and enables communication between them.

The Build Stage: Where the Magic Happens

In the build stage, Docker Compose executes the instructions specified in the `docker-compose.yml` file to create the Docker images. This is where we’ll focus our attention, as it’s critical to understand how to execute scripts as part of the container build on mounted files.

To illustrate this, let’s consider an example `docker-compose.yml` file:

version: '3'
    build: .
      - "80:80"
      - ./src:/app
    command: ["bash", "-c", "echo 'Hello, world!' > index.html"]

In this example, we’re telling Docker Compose to build an image for the `web` service using the current directory (`.`) as the build context. We’re also mounting the `src` directory from the current directory to the `/app` directory inside the container.

Executing Scripts as Part of the Container Build

Now, let’s say we want to execute a script as part of the container build. We can do this by adding a `RUN` instruction to our `Dockerfile`:

FROM python:3.9-slim


COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

RUN ["bash", "-c", "python"]

In this example, we’re using the `RUN` instruction to execute a Python script (``) during the build stage. However, what if we want to execute this script on a mounted file?

Making it Happen with Mounted Files

To execute a script on a mounted file, we need to make sure that the file is available during the build stage. We can do this by using the `COPY` instruction to copy the file into the container before executing the script:

FROM python:3.9-slim


COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt


RUN ["bash", "-c", "python"]

COPY mounted_file.txt .

RUN ["bash", "-c", "python mounted_file.txt"]

In this example, we’re copying the `mounted_file.txt` into the container before executing the `` script. However, this approach has a significant limitation: the file is not yet mounted when the script is executed.

To overcome this limitation, we can use a clever trick: execute the script as part of the `command` instruction in our `docker-compose.yml` file:

version: '3'
    build: .
      - "80:80"
      - ./src:/app
    command: ["bash", "-c", "python mounted_file.txt"]

By executing the script as part of the `command` instruction, we ensure that the script is executed after the file has been mounted. This approach allows us to execute scripts on mounted files as part of the container build.

Putting it all Together: A Comprehensive Example

Let’s consider a comprehensive example that demonstrates the Docker Compose order of operations and the execution of scripts as part of the container build on mounted files:

Create a new directory for your project and add the following files:

  • `docker-compose.yml`:
version: '3'
    build: .
      - "80:80"
      - ./src:/app
    command: ["bash", "-c", "python mounted_file.txt"]
  • `Dockerfile`:
FROM python:3.9-slim


COPY requirements.txt .

RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .
  • `requirements.txt`:
  • ``:
import sys

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("Usage: python ")

file_path = sys.argv[1]

with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
  • `mounted_file.txt` (in the `src` directory):
Hello, world!

Now, run the following command to build and start the container:

docker-compose up

When you run this command, Docker Compose will execute the following order of operations:

  1. Build the Docker image for the `web` service using the `Dockerfile`.
  2. Create a container from the built image.
  3. Mount the `src` directory to the `/app` directory inside the container.
  4. Execute the `command` instruction, which runs the `` script with the `mounted_file.txt` as an argument.

As a result, you’ll see the contents of the `mounted_file.txt` printed to the console, demonstrating that the script was successfully executed on the mounted file as part of the container build.


In this article, we’ve demystified the Docker Compose order of operations and explored the secrets of executing scripts as part of the container build on mounted files. By following the instructions and examples provided, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex Docker Compose scenarios.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the build stage and the `RUN` instruction, as well as utilizing the `command` instruction to execute scripts on mounted files. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of Docker Compose and unlock the full potential of containerization.

Happy docking, and see you in the next adventure!


Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to demystify the Docker compose order of operations and executing scripts as part of the container build on mounted files!

What is the order of operations in Docker Compose?

When you run Docker Compose, it follows a specific order of operations. It starts by building the images, then creates the containers, and finally starts the services. If you’ve specified any dependencies between services, Docker Compose will wait for the dependencies to be ready before starting the dependent services.

How can I execute scripts as part of the container build process in Docker Compose?

You can execute scripts as part of the container build process by using the `RUN` command in your Dockerfile. This command executes a script or command during the build process. You can also use the `CMD` command to set a default command to run when the container starts. Additionally, you can use the `ENTRYPOINT` command to set a script as the entry point for the container.

Can I mount files as volumes in Docker Compose to persist data?

Yes, you can mount files as volumes in Docker Compose to persist data. This allows you to preserve data even after the container is stopped or deleted. You can specify volumes in your Docker Compose file using the `volumes` keyword, and then mount the volume to a directory inside the container using the `volume` keyword.

How do I ensure that my script is executed in the correct order during the build process?

To ensure that your script is executed in the correct order during the build process, you can use the `RUN` command with a specific order in your Dockerfile. For example, you can use `RUN && RUN` to execute and then You can also use the `WORKDIR` command to set the working directory before executing the script.

What happens if my script fails during the build process in Docker Compose?

If your script fails during the build process in Docker Compose, the build process will fail and Docker Compose will exit with an error message. You can use the `–no-cache` flag to force Docker Compose to rebuild the image from scratch, which can help troubleshoot the issue. You can also use the `–debug` flag to get more detailed output during the build process.

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