Solving the RetrievalQAWithSources “Raising Max Token Reached Error”: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the RetrievalQAWithSources “Raising Max Token Reached Error”: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Raising Max Token Reached Error” when working with RetrievalQAWithSources? You’re not alone! This error can be a major roadblock in your QA development journey, but fear not, we’ve got you covered. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the causes, solutions, and best practices to overcome this issue once and for all.

What is RetrievalQAWithSources?

Before we dive into the error, let’s quickly cover what RetrievalQAWithSources is. RetrievalQAWithSources is a powerful open-source library for building Question Answering (QA) models that can retrieve relevant information from a vast range of sources. It’s an excellent tool for developing robust QA systems, but like any complex tool, it can come with its own set of challenges.

The “Raising Max Token Reached Error”: What Does it Mean?

The “Raising Max Token Reached Error” occurs when the model exceeds the maximum allowed token limit during processing. This error is often triggered when dealing with large datasets, complex questions, or lengthy passages. In RetrievalQAWithSources, the max token limit is set to 512 by default, but this can be adjusted according to your specific requirements.

Causes of the “Raising Max Token Reached Error”

Several factors can contribute to this error, including:

  • Large input sequences: When your input sequences (e.g., questions, passages) exceed the maximum allowed token limit, the error is triggered.
  • Complex questions: Questions with multiple entities, relationships, or nuances can lead to longer tokenized sequences, causing the error.
  • Lengthy passages: Passages with excessive text can result in tokenized sequences that surpass the maximum limit.
  • Inadequate model configuration: Improperly configured models can lead to increased tokenization, resulting in the error.

Solving the “Raising Max Token Reached Error”

Now that we’ve covered the causes, let’s explore the solutions to overcome this error. We’ll provide step-by-step instructions, code snippets, and best practices to help you resolve this issue.

Solution 1: Truncate Input Sequences

One of the simplest solutions is to truncate your input sequences to fit within the maximum token limit. You can do this by:

import torch
from transformers import RetrievalQAWithSources

# Initialize the model
model = RetrievalQAWithSources.from_pretrained('your-model-name')

# Define the input sequence (question or passage)
input_seq = 'This is a very long question that might exceed the token limit'

# Tokenize the input sequence
 Inputs = model.tokenizer.encode_plus(

# Truncate the input sequence to the maximum token limit
truncated_input_seq = Inputs['input_ids'][0][:512]

# Use the truncated sequence for processing
 outputs = model(truncated_input_seq)

Solution 2: Adjust the Model Configuration

Another approach is to adjust the model configuration to accommodate larger input sequences. You can do this by:

import torch
from transformers import RetrievalQAWithSources

# Initialize the model with a custom configuration
model = RetrievalQAWithSources.from_pretrained('your-model-name', 

In this example, we’ve increased the `max_position_embeddings` to 1024, allowing the model to process longer input sequences. Note that this may impact the model’s performance and training time.

Solution 3: Use a Sliding Window Approach

A more advanced solution is to employ a sliding window approach, where you:

  1. Split the input sequence into smaller chunks (windows)
  2. Process each window separately
  3. Combine the results using a suitable aggregation method
import torch
from transformers import RetrievalQAWithSources

# Initialize the model
model = RetrievalQAWithSources.from_pretrained('your-model-name')

# Define the input sequence (question or passage)
input_seq = 'This is a very long question that might exceed the token limit'

# Define the window size
window_size = 256

# Split the input sequence into windows
windows = [input_seq[i:i+window_size] for i in range(0, len(input_seq), window_size)]

# Process each window separately
outputs = []
for window in windows:
    inputs = model.tokenizer.encode_plus(
    output = model(inputs['input_ids'][0])

# Combine the results using a suitable aggregation method
aggregated_output =, dim=0)

In this example, we’ve split the input sequence into windows of 256 tokens, processed each window separately, and combined the results using concatenation. You can adjust the window size and aggregation method according to your specific requirements.

Best Practices to Avoid the “Raising Max Token Reached Error”

To avoid encountering the “Raising Max Token Reached Error” in the future, follow these best practices:

  • Pre-processing is key: Always pre-process your input sequences to remove unnecessary characters, tokenize, and truncate them to fit within the maximum token limit.
  • Monitor your model’s performance: Keep an eye on your model’s performance and adjust the configuration or input sequences as needed to avoid the error.
  • Use chunking or windowing: When dealing with large datasets or complex questions, use chunking or windowing techniques to process smaller sequences and avoid the error.
  • Optimize your model configuration: Experiment with different model configurations to find the optimal setup that balances performance and tokenization.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the causes, solutions, and best practices to overcome the “Raising Max Token Reached Error” when working with RetrievalQAWithSources. By following these instructions and adapting them to your specific use case, you’ll be well-equipped to handle even the most challenging QA tasks. Remember to pre-process your input sequences, monitor your model’s performance, and optimize your configuration to avoid this error and ensure smooth sailing in your QA development journey.

Solution Description
Truncate Input Sequences Truncate input sequences to fit within the maximum token limit
Adjust Model Configuration Adjust the model configuration to accommodate larger input sequences
Sliding Window Approach Split input sequences into windows, process each window separately, and combine the results

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in resolving the “Raising Max Token Reached Error” in RetrievalQAWithSources. If you have any further questions or would like to share your own experiences, feel free to leave a comment below!

Happy QA development!

// End of article //

Frequently Asked Question

Are you tired of encountering the “RetrievalQAWithSources raising max token reached error”? Fear not, friend! We’ve got you covered with the top 5 questions and answers to get you back on track.

What is the RetrievalQAWithSources max token limit?

The RetrievalQAWithSources model has a maximum token limit of 2048. If your input exceeds this limit, you’ll encounter the dreaded “max token reached error”. Ouch!

Why does the RetrievalQAWithSources model have a token limit?

The token limit is in place to prevent the model from consuming excessive computational resources and to ensure efficient processing. Think of it as a speed bump to keep your queries running smoothly!

How can I reduce the token count in my input?

You can reduce the token count by shortening your input, removing unnecessary characters, or splitting your query into smaller chunks. Get creative and trim those tokens!

Can I increase the max token limit?

Sorry, friend! The max token limit is hardcoded and cannot be increased. BUT, you can try using alternative models or libraries that support larger input sizes. Keep exploring!

What are some common causes of the “max token reached error”?

Common culprits include extremely long questions, source texts, or context passages. Also, watch out for excessive punctuation, special characters, or formatting that can inflate your token count. Be token-wise, my friend!

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