Mastering Zod: How to Validate a Field that Depends on Another Field of the Same Schema
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Mastering Zod: How to Validate a Field that Depends on Another Field of the Same Schema

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When working with Zod, a popular JavaScript validation library, you often encounter scenarios where a field’s validity depends on another field in the same schema. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of dependent field validation, exploring the challenges, approaches, and best practices to help you tackle even the most complex validation requirements.

The Problem: Dependent Field Validation in Zod

Imagine a simple user registration form with two fields: `country` and `state`. The `state` field only makes sense if the `country` is selected. How do you ensure that the `state` field is validated only when the `country` field has a valid value? This is a classic example of dependent field validation, where the validity of one field depends on another field in the same schema.

Understanding Zod’s Default Behavior

By default, Zod validates each field independently, without considering the relationships between them. This means that if you define separate validators for `country` and `state`, they will be executed independently, without taking into account their interdependence.

const schema = z.object({
  country: z.string(),
  state: z.string(),

In this example, the `country` and `state` fields are validated separately, without considering their relationship. If you want to validate the `state` field only when the `country` field has a valid value, you need to create a custom validation mechanism.

Approach 1: Using Zod’s `refine` Method

Zod provides a built-in `refine` method that allows you to refine the validation process based on the values of other fields. This method takes a function as an argument, which receives the entire data object as an input. You can use this function to create a custom validation logic that takes into account the relationships between fields.

const schema = z.object({
  country: z.string(),
  state: z.refine(state => {
    if ( {
      return z.string(); // validate state only if country is present
    } else {
      return z.undefined(); // ignore state validation if country is absent

In this example, the `refine` method is used to create a custom validation logic for the `state` field. The function passed to `refine` checks if the `country` field has a value, and if so, applies a string validator to the `state` field. If the `country` field is absent, the `state` field is ignored during validation.

Approach 2: Creating a Custom Validator Function

Another approach is to create a custom validator function that takes the entire data object as an input and returns a validation result. This function can be used to validate the `state` field only when the `country` field has a valid value.

const validateDependentFields = (data) => {
  if ( {
    return z.string().validate(data.state);
  } else {
    return z.undefined().validate(data.state);

const schema = z.object({
  country: z.string(),
  state: validateDependentFields,

In this example, the custom `validateDependentFields` function is used to validate the `state` field. This function checks if the `country` field has a value, and if so, applies a string validator to the `state` field. If the `country` field is absent, the `state` field is ignored during validation.

Approach 3: Using Zod’s `and` Method

Zod’s `and` method allows you to combine multiple validators into a single validator. You can use this method to create a custom validator that validates the `state` field only when the `country` field has a valid value.

const countryValidator = z.string();
const stateValidator = z.string();

const dependentValidator = z.and(countryValidator, (data) => {
  if ( {
    return stateValidator;
  } else {
    return z.undefined();

const schema = z.object({
  country: countryValidator,
  state: dependentValidator,

In this example, the `and` method is used to combine the `countryValidator` and a custom validator function. The custom function checks if the `country` field has a value, and if so, applies the `stateValidator` to the `state` field. If the `country` field is absent, the `state` field is ignored during validation.

Chaining Validators: Handling Multiple Dependent Fields

What if you have multiple fields that depend on each other? For example, a form with fields `country`, `state`, and `city`, where each field depends on the previous one. How do you validate these fields in a dependent manner?

Zod provides a simple solution through chaining validators. You can create a chain of validators, where each validator depends on the previous one.

const countryValidator = z.string();
const stateValidator = z.string();
const cityValidator = z.string();

const schema = z.object({
  country: countryValidator,
  state: countryValidator.and((data) => stateValidator),
  city: countryValidator.and((data) => stateValidator.and((data) => cityValidator)),

In this example, each field’s validator is chained to the previous one, creating a dependent validation process. The `country` field is validated first, followed by the `state` field, which depends on the `country` field. Finally, the `city` field is validated, which depends on both the `country` and `state` fields.

Best Practices for Dependent Field Validation

When working with dependent field validation in Zod, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Keep it simple**: Avoid overcomplicating your validation logic. Break down complex validation rules into smaller, manageable chunks.
  • Use Zod’s built-in features**: Leverage Zod’s built-in methods, such as `refine` and `and`, to create custom validation logic.
  • Test thoroughly**: Thoroughly test your validation logic to ensure it works as expected in different scenarios.
  • Document your validation logic**: Clearly document your validation logic to make it easier for others to understand and maintain.


Dependent field validation in Zod can be challenging, but with the right approaches and techniques, you can create robust and efficient validation logic. By understanding Zod’s default behavior, using custom validator functions, and leveraging Zod’s built-in methods, you can create complex validation rules that meet your specific requirements. Remember to keep your validation logic simple, test thoroughly, and document your approach to ensure maintainable and scalable code.

Approach Description Example
Using Zod’s `refine` method Refine the validation process based on the values of other fields z.refine(state => {...})
Creating a custom validator function Create a custom validator function that takes the entire data object as an input const validateDependentFields = (data) => {...}
Using Zod’s `and` method Combine multiple validators into a single validator z.and(countryValidator, (data) => {...})

By following these approaches and best practices, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most complex dependent field validation requirements in Zod.

Frequently Asked Question

Zod is an amazing validation library, but things can get tricky when dealing with interdependent fields. So, let’s dive into some FAQs on how to validate a field that depends on another field of the same schema in Zod.

How do I validate a field that depends on another field in the same schema?

You can use Zod’s refinement functions, such as `superRefine` or `refine`, to create a validation schema that depends on another field. For example, you can use `superRefine` to access the parent schema and validate a field based on another field’s value.

Can I use Zod’s `choices` validator to validate a field based on another field’s value?

No, the `choices` validator in Zod only works with static values, not dynamic ones. Instead, you can use the `refine` validator to create a custom validation function that depends on another field’s value.

How do I access the value of another field in a Zod validation schema?

You can access the value of another field by using the `parent` property in your refinement function. For example, `` would give you the value of the `fieldName` field in the parent schema.

Can I use Zod’s `infer` feature to infer the type of a field based on another field’s value?

Yes, you can use Zod’s `infer` feature to infer the type of a field based on another field’s value. This can be useful when you want to dynamically determine the type of a field based on the value of another field.

Are there any performance considerations when using interdependent field validation in Zod?

Yes, using interdependent field validation can have performance implications, especially when dealing with large or complex schemas. Be mindful of the validation functions you create and try to keep them efficient to avoid performance bottlenecks.

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